UT students training opportunities

Hello, UT student!👋 We are glad you have found our home page! Welcome to Tartu and we hope to see you soon, because good grades, mental health and physical wellness go hand in hand with physical exercise!☺️ We offer many training opportunities for UT students and you can read more about it below.
⭐️Special package for students of University of Tartu
45€ Spring semester + summer (01.02.24-31.08.24)
With this package you get access to athletics hall and 1st & 2nd floor of the gym.
Training can be done at the following times:
Every day 7.00-15.00* / 19.00-22.00
Last time to enter in the morning is 14.15.
⭐️Fitness club packages at a discounted price
If you want to train at other times, you can buy a fitness club package at a discounted price.
Fitness classes + athletics hall + gym on all three floors + changing rooms with sauna
Access to all sporting activities: recreational group sports + fitness classes + gym on three floors + athletics hall + monthly personal training session or nutrition counseling or 30min massage.
⭐️FREE group activities/sports
The University of Tartu student sport representatives organize free group trainings for UT students. They play different sports like badminton, dodgeball, basketball, football etc.
They train twice a week: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 20.30-22 in the University of Tartu sports centre
More information + registration can be found on their Facebook page.
If you want to join our club, please send us your information (name, birth date/personal ID code, phone number) to fitness@ut.ee. Then we can register you in our system and it will take less time on the spot 🙂 Please let the receptionist know that you are registered in our system. If you have an Estonian ID, please bring it with you.